T: +352 26 44 59 1 | E: contact@pla.lu

Formation, domiciliation and administration of companies

Incorporation of companies, financial and commercial

PL&A advise and assist the Luxembourg and international clients in connection with the creation, administration and management of the Luxembourg and international companies.

The firm provides a full specialist legal service and advice on the choice of the corporate type and the establishment of the appropriate corporate structures.

  • provision of assistance, advice and coordination before and during the formation of companies
  • opening a bank account

Domiciliation and administration of companies


  • Provision of a registered office address

Company representation

  • Provision of Luxembourg company managers

Management, Assistance and Legal Advice

  • Correspondence with the shareholders and directors concerning annual statutory requirements
  • Liaising with the accountant and the auditor for the following-up of:
  • Establishment of income tax returns, municipal trade tax and wealth tax
  • Establishment of VAT declarations
  • Filing of the annual accounts with the RCS Luxembourg
  • Dispatching of convening notices or publication of notices for the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
  • Preparation of proxy forms for the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
  • Holding the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings and preparing the minutes and attendance list
  • Publication/registration of the extracts relating to the filing of  the annual accounts along with the extracts at the Trade register
  • Attending to a minimum number of board meetings and preparation of minutes thereof
  • Establishing a share register
  • Maintaining of the Statutory and correspondence files, including  a file for bank statements, invoices in and out, tax returns
  • Forwarding of mails to shareholders and directors
  • Coordination and following up of the reception and further delivery of the documentation provided by our outside collaborators
  • Company bookkeeping and establishment of the financial statements (including consolidated  accounts)

Professional agent of bearer shares

  • Deposit of bearer shares according to the law of July 28th, 2014


Our book

L'ETAT DU GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG by Marc Feyereisen et Brigitte Louise Pochon

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